Women's Choice & Freedom
Nearly 1 in 4 women in the US will have an abortion by age 45. Abortion is healthcare and people making their own healthcare decisions is within their rights to do so. Upholding the right for women to choose what is best for their health, not the government is a core value of my campaign.
Nearly 1 in 4 women in the US will have an abortion by age 45
Even though the GOP likes to claim it's the party of small government, it really is the party of big government. From introducing legislation to jail doctors for providing abortions to creating bounties on anyone suspected of helping women get their healthcare. These regulations target women with the hand of big government. It's hypocritical for a party to do these things and say they're the party of small government.
People have the right to choose their form of birth control and any effort to that interferes in the relationship between a person and their doctor should be blocked.
With the Passage of the Issue 1 Amendment to the Ohio Constitution this past November, Ohioans overwhelmingly spoke up for their rights to privacy, healthcare and more. Even now, Republicans are attempting to slow down the process of removing harmful laws that restrict women's rights to reproductive healthcare, such as the erroneously-named Heartbeat Bill which prohibits any abortive procedure after only 6 weeks.