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Image by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography

 Our Healthcare 

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Healthcare is the one issue that will bring our communities together for the better in the long run. It’s foremost on the minds of parents with kids in need, the workers who are unsure whether they’ll be covered and local communities wondering how they’ll fill a need. This is why healthcare is so important to my fight for our community, and that is why I am in full support of HB174 sponsored by Reps. Grimm and Skindell that will establish and operate the Ohio Health Care Plan, a state universal healthcare system.

Lower Medicare Eligibility

Medicare eligibility needs to begin coming down in five-year increments immediately. Medicare is a very successful program for our citizens and ranks as one of the world’s best for elder care. Now, we must begin making it available to more of our citizens.


Ohio’s Medicaid Expansion

I support continued Medicaid Expansion with the Affordable Care Act that has helped hundreds of thousands of People across Ohio achieve stable, good health care, particularly for those living in rural areas and those with disabilities. We need to make Medicaid better for the disabled such as increasing the number of direct service providers, their pay and training. Helping to reduce Ohio’s high infant mortality rate with Medicaid programs is seen by everyone as badly needed. We must also quickly re-enroll the thousands that were purged from Medicaid in 2023 mostly because for technical reasons.


Local Hospitals

I fully support all efforts by our states to help our community hospitals thrive and be that health-center partner so many small communities desperately need. With the opioid epidemic stretching our local resources, we must have an all-around support structure to ensure communities can handle this crisis, as well as the other issues hurting our communities. The Bank of Ohio can play an integral role in getting financing for the construction of rural hospitals where none exist now.


Mental Health & Well Being

We need to reinvest again in state-owned psychiatric facilities as a means to a rise in mental health issues affecting so many of our communities.

With increased awareness, mental health is extremely critical now more than ever so we must be prepared for even more patients, more expertise and more care for People.


Medical Marijuana

I am in favor of strengthening medical marijuana early endeavors in terms of availability, pricing and regulation. According to studies, the rate of opiate use is lower in states where medical marijuana laws have been passed.

Medical marijuana may prove beneficial in dealing with opiate addiction but much more research needs to be done as well. As data is gathered, we will better assess the effect having more medical marijuana dispensaries has on opioid use.

Paid for by Swartz For Ohio House

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